The Truth About Sacred Geometry

Moving Art
2 min readSep 5, 2020

Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg has spent the last four decades capturing nature’s patterns-powerful figures repeated throughout our world. “I’m showing you rhythms and patterns of nature that live inside of every cell of your body,” he said on the Third Wave podcast.

This is the truth about sacred geometry! Sometimes we see patterns in nature, sometimes patterns from nature, or maybe there is nature in patterns we see. Some nature patterns include tree, waves, spirals, stripes, cracks and symmetries.

“The patterns in the mycelial network mirror the pattern that’s in your brain, circulatory system, and nervous system-and in outer space! You’re looking at a mirror, and you’re going, ‘Oh, my God, I recognize this!’ because it makes me feel good. It’s truth,” he said.

Recognizing Nature’s Patterns

You probably know about the Fibonacci sequence, a ratio that results in spiral shapes and which appears throughout the universe, in forms big and small. But there are many beautiful and naturally occurring patterns found in nature, across environments. Some evolved to aid in the dance of pollination between bee and flower, whereas others help animals camouflage. Here are some of the awe-inspiring ways these patterns shape life and the environment on Earth.

Scientists are mystified by some of the simplest patterns, like the hexagonal snowflake. The six-sided pattern that appears in frozen water is consistent across all snowflakes, and yet every individual flake has incredible complexity and individuality. Philip Ball’s book, Patterns in Nature: Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does, explores these ideas in greater detail and tells the story of historic researchers and their study of natural patterns.

Click here to find out more about the truth of sacred geometry

Originally published at on September 5, 2020.

